Sometimes, people just don’t get why their life is full of problems and others seem to be more successful than them even though they’re doing nothing special. In order to get these problems solved, we need more information which is why researchers started asking hard questions in order to find proper solutions and explanations for them. I hope you will get smart with my researched collection of 50 deep, thought-provoking, and hard questions with answers! By the way, what do we mean by hard questions? The answer is very simple: I selected these particular mind-blowing questions because they are simple problems, but are so difficult to master if not impossible.  It is not always easy to know what one should do, and it is even harder to figure out what’s right. But we need to make these decisions every day. The following day-to-day life questions were designed to help you work through issues and topics of mind, money, psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and personal values. Which covers Existential questions, intellectual questions, and Deep questions on space and the universe. Thought-provoking questions on Life and death with answers. Take your time and see where each question leads you—to a place of understanding or a place of uncertainty. Either way, Ask these life-changing questions to yourself and others. Answering these tough questions will get your mind working in new ways—and thinking outside your comfort zone can be a very good thing. Recommended reading: 500 Questions that make you think

Hard questions with answers

Here is the Great list of hard questions with answers about life to ask yourself and others to live the best life possible.

1. What stops people from changing their minds?

Answer: Change is hard! I know – I’ve lived through more than my fair share of it. And it’s never easy to give up something familiar and comfortable for something unknown and uncomfortable. But if we never give change a chance, we’ll never be able to know what life could have in store for us. If someone doesn’t want to change their mind then they won’t. There are lots of different reasons why people choose not to though. Sometimes they’re afraid, sometimes they don’t see how changing will benefit them or they can’t see beyond their own self-interests/desires/needs etc. Whatever the reason, people are entitled to do whatever makes them happy but they should always respect others’ decisions as well – even if those decisions differ from their own.

2. How money is important in our lives?

Answer: Money is a big deal. I don’t know anyone who says they aren’t interested in earning as much as possible and it’s easy to see why it’s hard to live well without it! But we also need to be careful about money and not let it dominate our lives so much that we can’t do what we love or put those things above those who matter most. At some point, making more money than necessary isn’t worth it because then we’re just focused on ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and falling into a rat race of bigger houses, nicer cars, flashier vacations etc. Not saying those things aren’t nice but we all have different priorities and spending habits; making sure yours are in check is very important!

3. How to think rationally about money?

Answer: Thinking rationally about money isn’t always easy but it can be done! There are a few different things we can do to rationalize our thoughts around money. First, try setting aside a certain amount of cash for monthly expenses. That way you’ll have a sense of how much money to save for things like gas, food, utilities etc. You can also come up with financial plans for certain things – let’s say if you want to buy a new car. Research similar cars and use them as references when talking with dealers. And if all else fails, lean on others for advice – family members or trusted friends who know a lot about money management might be able to lend a helping hand when needed.

4. How to develop Emotional Intelligence?

Answer: Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is our ability to understand our own emotions and also how others are feeling. For example, someone with high EQ might be able to tell if someone else is mad without being told because they can read other people’s emotions. Developing your emotional intelligence isn’t easy but there are a few things we can do to improve it over time. It all comes down to being more mindful of ourselves – slowing down our thoughts and listening closely for what we’re actually feeling in any given moment. And while that might not seem important, it actually helps us get in touch with what really matters in life – spending time with those we love most and treating them like gold! Recommended reading: 500+ Philosophical questions for intellectual minds on various aspects of life with answers.

5. How to develop rational and critical thinking?

Answer: We all have bad habits – it’s just a fact of life. But being able to realize when we’re forming bad habits and changing our ways is an important part of developing rational and critical thinking skills. Whenever something seems weird or unusual, stop for a moment and ask yourself why?. Being more mindful about what we’re doing helps us stay rational because then we can stop our negative patterns before they form! Similarly, we should ask ourselves who? Helps us gain critical thinking skills. For example, if someone needs help with something but you can’t provide it at that moment in time, ask them who else might be able to help?. That question can help us to move past ourselves and think critically about others’ needs as well as ours! Rational thinking always involves asking the right questions and looking for the evidence before taking certain actions.

6. What is more important: Reason or Emotion?

Answer: In short ‘Balance’ is the answer. To have a balanced mind, we need to be able to use both our rational thinking and emotions. In order to do that, we need to learn how to trust ourselves and not be afraid of either side. When we’re afraid of our emotions, it makes it harder for us to express them or understand them fully. Likewise, when we don’t trust our rational thoughts, then we start making bad decisions without a solid base of facts! Finding a balance is key – remember there’s nothing wrong with being emotional as long as it doesn’t overtake your actions and if things don’t make sense – ask why? until you’ve got a satisfying answer! Sometimes going with your gut isn’t always wrong but asking yourself WHY will help you know when it’s right.

7. How to know if someone is speaking lies or truth?

Answer: Being able to spot a lie is actually a learned skill – it takes time and effort to learn how to read people! First, start off by figuring out what types of lies you’re dealing with. There are basically three different kinds of lies –  i) White lies, which aren’t really lies at all, but rather something we don’t feel comfortable saying or admitting. ii) Grey lies, which are things we say in order to protect ourselves or someone else from a difficult situation; and  iii) Black lies, which are typically used for malicious purposes. Once you’ve figured out what type of lie you’re dealing with, then it’s just about paying attention to body language. Also read: Questions that are hard to answer

8. How does a perfect education system look like?

Answer: There is no perfect education system. Because people are different, they learn in different ways. How can an education system possibly take into account everyone’s individuality? Moreover, how can it be expected to meet everyone’s needs? For example, students with special learning requirements and disabilities would be left behind because they need special attention and resources. An ideal education system doesn’t exist; all systems have their flaws. The key is finding one which works for you; one which meets your individual needs as well as those of society as a whole. It’s about striking a balance between what teachers feel they can offer their students and what students feel comfortable taking on board! Some students may not like homework but some may find it useful; some may want too much contact with their teacher while others will keep away – there is no right or wrong way of doing things! As long as there’s room for everyone then it should work!

9. Do we have real friendships anymore? Why or why not? What can be done to improve our connections with others? 

Answer: We don’t really have friendships any more! In our instant gratification society, we need everything right now and most of us can’t wait for people to respond to our messages or updates – if we don’t get an instant reply then we instantly forget about them. And since not everyone is always available at every hour of every day, it’s easy for relationships to be forgotten about and neglected until a new, flashier one comes along. However, real friendships do exist but they are very seldom among very genuine and authentic people.

10. How to live a quality life?

Answer: The first thing we need to realise is what it means to be happy – do we really know what our needs are? Is it really money, possessions or power? True happiness comes from within; it’s not about materialistic things like having a big house or driving a fancy car – these aren’t quality of life, but rather distractions which leave us feeling empty inside. If we can learn to look inside ourselves and recognize what makes us happy then maybe we’ll finally be able to live a real quality life!  Also read: 375+ Amazing thought provoking questions to ask someone to get to know them

Thought provoking questions to ask yourself

11. Why was I put on earth?

What should I accomplish while I’m here? What defines success for me? How should I spend my time here in order to gain fulfillment and success at my personal level, while also helping others towards a better world? Answer: Everyone has something different that they want out of life. It varies from person to person depending on their own beliefs, background and interests. For some people it’s becoming famous or rich; for others it’s having meaningful relationships or doing something which brings them great satisfaction. The first step is simply figuring out what it is you want out of life!

12. Is perfectionism holding me back?

How can I overcome it so I can be more successful, both personally and professionally?  Answer: It’s common to hold ourselves back because we’re trying too hard to be perfect instead of just being who we are! Try not getting hung up over small details – learn how to accept your faults as well as your strengths, focus on what works instead of always obsessing over what doesn’t. The bottom line is; if you don’t like it, change it but don’t let your fear of failure (or success) hold you back from achieving what is truly important to you. 

13. What kinds of people am I attracting into my life?

Why aren’t these people helping me achieve my goals and dreams for myself and for others?  Answer: The kind of people we attract into our lives says a lot about us and our own sense of values and beliefs. If we surround ourselves with people who are willing to help, support and encourage us then chances are there’s something good inside of us too! On the other hand, if everyone around us is negative or doesn’t support our ideas then it’s because they’ve picked up on certain traits in ourselves which need to be changed.

14. Do the past, present and future exist all at once?

Answer: The past and present exist simultaneously and they cannot be separated. The future doesn’t really exist until it is perceived by our own self-awareness. Remember that reality is an illusion – what we see as real now, may not necessarily be true in another moment or another context; it’s always changing. So as long as we’re alive, experiencing life as it happens then we’re alive in both past and present at once! 

15. What makes us lose faith? How can I keep my faith strong even when I’m at my lowest?

Answer: No matter how much we plan or prepare for things to go a certain way, there will always be unexpected challenges and difficulties along our path to success. It’s often at these times where we must hold onto our faith and remember why it is we chose to take on such an endeavor in the first place! Even if it doesn’t happen quite as quickly as you imagined, find joy in simply living each day working towards your goal; rather than spending your time worrying about what could possibly go wrong.

16. What do we need to realize about life?

Answer: Life is much simpler than we think – it’s about enjoying what we have rather than worrying about what we don’t. It’s too easy to focus on what’s missing or not working in our lives but that doesn’t fix anything – all it does is create more negativity and stress! Instead, choose to focus on everything you are grateful for – appreciate how far you’ve come by looking at where you started from. It helps us remember how good things really are now if only we take a second to look around.

17. Am I god?

Answer: We’re all god! We’re all intimately connected with everything else in existence; it’s impossible for us to be separate or independent of each other because everything is interconnected. So even though it can feel like we are ‘isolated’ in our own little bubble, it’s just an illusion of separateness. The truth is there is no separation – there never was. All life is one consciousness which manifests itself in different ways depending on our state of awareness or level of consciousness. So if we learn to focus more on what unites us rather than divides us then we will experience greater harmony and peace within ourselves and in our relationships with others!

18. How to be fully aware?

Answer: The more aware we are of ourselves, our environment and of everything around us, then the easier it is to be fully present. If we can learn to look at ourselves with self-compassion rather than self-criticism then we’ll naturally start being less judgmental towards others. And if we stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of us, trying to prove ourselves or desperately needing validation from others, then it’s easier for us to be happy with who we are – without needing any outside sources for happiness. Also read: 350+ Questions about love that make you think.

19. How to love?

Answer: If you’ve ever been in love, good for you! If not, well. Try not to settle with anything less than real love. Real love makes people do crazy things sometimes; it changes everything in ways we didn’t even expect! But what is real love exactly? It isn’t an emotion like anger or excitement – those feelings aren’t constant.  Real love is a deep friendship that lasts forever no matter what happens in life. A true friend will stick by you even when times get tough. Be a good person and they’ll treat you as family. You don’t have to search far & wide for something better because it’s right there in front of your eyes if you look closely enough & truly listen! 

20. Why loving so painful?

Answer: We were all created to experience a lifetime of heartbreak, sadness and disappointment because that’s what helps us to grow. It’s not about how much suffering we endure in life, but rather how we choose to react and cope with it which determines our ability to find happiness. When we use suffering as an opportunity for growth rather than allowing it to tear us down, then we come out stronger on the other side! In fact, all experiences can be viewed as opportunities for growth or lessons – both positive and negative. The only thing holding us back from living a full life is our fear of facing our challenges head-on; otherwise everything else will just fall into place naturally.

Mind blowing questions with answers

Here is the list of mind blowing hard questions with answers about humanity and world

21. Who is the most powerful human in the world?

Answer: We are all powerful because we can change our own lives! If someone doesn’t like us, it’s up to us whether we let their opinion of us stop us from reaching our goals or not. We’re all capable of manifesting whatever we want in life because it’s all a matter of focusing on what we do want rather than what we don’t. So rather than focusing on how other people, situations or events are negatively affecting our lives, focus instead on how to handle them with wisdom and love. That’s when true power is revealed!

22. Are Humans evil?

Answer: We’re all inherently good; we were created with a divine spark of love and light within us. But because we live in a world of duality, where love and hate exist side by side, we can easily get caught up in judgement and victimization. But every experience is an opportunity for growth – so don’t blame yourself or anyone else if you do something ‘bad’; just learn from it and then move on. And to avoid making any ‘bad’ decisions in future, just remind yourself that there’s no such thing as bad people – only unenlightened beings!

23. What are the keys to solving complex global problems?

Answer: Our world is facing some really big problems right now – like poverty, terrorism and climate change. But as long as we focus on trying to fix those global issues rather than dealing with them one at a time, we’ll never be able to solve them. It’s not about fixing or solving anything; it’s about learning from everything and then letting go. If we can allow our experiences to teach us a lesson without becoming attached to a certain outcome then that’s when real change begins! And if we can learn how to live more honestly, with integrity and kindness towards ourselves and others then we’re on our way to helping solve all of those global problems.  Understanding, awareness, Self-education and the right actions at the right time are the keys to solving complex global problems. Timing is the most crucial part of it. Recommended reading: Brilliant Questions that cannot be answered by science.

24. Why do some dreams feel so real and scary?

Answer: The ‘dream’ world was designed to mirror our own; it’s like a parallel universe in which things are amplified. You might be dreaming about an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, for example, and when you do, they’ll be more attracted to you than ever before. Because in your subconscious mind they’re supposed to be! It’s also important to understand that all emotions are magnified during sleep. If something really scares us then we might wake up feeling very anxious or panicked! So when we’re in a dream state, our fears can seem bigger than life but don’t worry – once we wake up everything returns back to normal.

25. Do humans survive death?

Answer: There are billions of us who have ‘died’ on Earth but continue to live elsewhere. When our physical body dies, our light or soul doesn’t disappear. It goes on to live elsewhere in another dimension. But what happens when we die is very different for everyone because it’s all up to your personal beliefs and consciousness. Those who don’t believe in an afterlife, for example, might continue living as a ghost or spirit here on Earth – never having crossed over! It’s all based around belief systems. Which means if someone believes they’ll be reincarnated then that’s what they’ll experience after death. Belief is everything! Also read: Deep questions to ask your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend or partner to understand them better.

Questions that are hard to answer

26. How does philosophy illuminate the physical world?

Answer: One way philosophy illuminates or clarifies anything is by getting us to think more carefully about it. For example, one of our biggest fears is death because we don’t know what happens next! We also need to feel like we’re in control and like we know what’s going on – even if we don’t really understand it!  Philosophy helps make sense of our world by helping us understand things more deeply; it can give us a deeper understanding and appreciation for life and everything in it. If we believe something to be true then we’ll eventually prove it to be true – and changing our beliefs has a big impact on how our lives turn out.

27. What do near death experiences mean?

Answer: Near death experiences (NDEs) happen when we’ve reached a point of absolute and complete physical and emotional exhaustion. The most common accounts of NDEs include traveling through a tunnel towards a bright light, meeting deceased loved ones and having an overwhelming sense of peace and happiness. But what we remember experiencing during our NDE is based on our pre-existing beliefs; if we believe in an afterlife then we’ll likely experience it during an NDE! Our brain works like a computer; it’s constantly taking in information from our environment and then trying to come up with an explanation for it. Near death experiences are no different; they’re just another explanation for life after death!

28. How are humans unique?

Answer: Humans are unique in so many ways – physically, emotionally and mentally! Unlike other species on Earth.  We are able to communicate complex thoughts and ideas through language. We’ve also created technology that allows us to travel to other planets; yet there’s still so much we don’t know about our own planet! And when it comes to our emotions, no other animal feels sadness or anxiety like humans do. Our emotions are deep-rooted in our subconscious mind; they’re something we need to control in order to stay happy. There are countless things that make us human but because of how diverse humans are, it can be difficult finding common ground with one another. Also read: Deep Intellectual questions that make you think better to understand world.

29. How does memory work?

Answer: Our memory works a little differently for everyone! If we’ve been exposed to a certain type of food or scent enough times then our sense of smell gets triggered – even if we’re not actively thinking about it. This is known as Sensory Memory and just one example of how our memory works. For example, have you ever been sitting at home and suddenly started remembering what your grade school classroom looked like? Or maybe you’ll remember an old girlfriend or boyfriend who came to mind out of nowhere? These are all examples of our Sensory Memory working overtime! On a different note, there’s also Conscious Memory, which helps us store information so we can access it later on. There are two types of conscious memory; Short-Term and Long-Term. Short-Term memory lasts for 15 to 20 seconds before it needs to be transferred into Long-Term, meaning there’s no need to panic if you forget someone’s name mid conversation! And if you don’t use your memory enough (or do anything at all) then you can lose some of your memories altogether. They say knowledge is power but understanding how our brains work takes knowledge to another level altogether. 

30. How does consciousness arise in humans?

Answer: It’s one of those basic, philosophical questions we’ve been asking ourselves for centuries and there’s still no definitive answer. Some people believe consciousness arises when our neurons (brain cells) interact with each other in a certain way; others say it comes from God or aliens! Our thoughts and actions are controlled by our brain; all of them, good or bad. Thoughts that we’re not consciously aware of also play a role in how we live and who we become as human beings. Our conscious mind controls our feelings and emotions which, in turn, impact our behavior – even if we don’t realize it!

Deep questions about life

31. Where do thoughts come from?

Answer: All of our thoughts and feelings originate in our brain – that’s a fact! Scientists aren’t entirely sure what goes on inside our brains to cause us to feel certain emotions, however. There are two main theories of emotion; James-Lange and Cannon-Bard. According to Cannon-Bard, emotions arise when we’re physically stimulated by an outside stimulus. Our body is then flooded with hormones, which causes us to feel anxious or sad for example. Then there’s James-Lange who says it all starts in our brain! He proposed that physical sensations trigger an emotional response from deep within us, rather than from external stimuli. Despite these opposing viewpoints, it does seem as though both of them play a role in how we experience emotion. And although science isn’t yet certain how exactly consciousness arises, many psychologists agree that it involves three different processes: Perception (of oneself), Appraisal (of one’s own situation) and Coping (with one’s reaction). This interplay between biological responses and psychological appraisal allows us to fully understand what’s going on in our minds. For example, you might not be particularly happy if your car breaks down… But why? Because you lost control over your vehicle? Because you have to spend more money repairing it? Or because being stuck in traffic stresses you out so much?! Whether it comes from your brain or just hitting another car, knowing where your thought process begins can help put everything into perspective again. Also read: Questions that make no sense.

32. How can morals, ethics and beliefs differ for each individual?

Answer: Ethics and morals are a set of moral principles – but beliefs have more to do with faith and dogma. If you believe something, it’s almost as if it’s a fact for you. So let’s say someone believes in unicorns. They would feel as though unicorns exist! And even if there is no physical proof of their existence, some people still believe they’re real – some even going as far as saying they’ve seen one with their own eyes!  In addition to religions which form strong belief systems, many other things can cause us to hold fast to our beliefs – even when we shouldn’t. We all interpret information differently which means we each have our own set of morals and values. For example, overworking might be considered extremely positive by your boss while simultaneously being considered extremely negative by your friends and family. It seems that every decision involves making compromises between two conflicting ideas or emotions; should I work or should I play? You may feel guilty because you didn’t put in any overtime last week but then again, maybe it was justified because of your performance or overall productivity at work! It seems easier to go along with what others expect of us rather than face scrutiny for sticking up for what we believe in – especially when stress levels are high. Just remember that it’s okay not to compromise on important issues like relationships, health or doing well at school/work!

33. What happens to the physical world when everything ends?

Answer: If everything really did end, then we’d have to say goodbye to planet Earth – no more seasons, beautiful sunsets or even space exploration! Although it would be a difficult loss for humanity and life on  Earth, some believe there’s a chance we could go on existing in some capacity. The universe is a huge place so it’s entirely possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist out there somewhere. In fact, an ancient civilization known as Atlantis was said to have been located under water… But all of its inhabitants perished due to a devastating flood. In addition to underwater cities lost beneath oceans and seas, some people also believe extraterrestrials might exist within our solar system. Sure, someday everything ends and we never know what happens to physical words once we have gone.

34. How to become a human true human being?

Answer: Having a great understanding of human nature and sociology can really help! Understanding human behavior and psychology will help us to better understand how people work. By observing others’ interactions and paying attention to their words, we can gradually learn more about our own tendencies as well as those of others. If we’re conscious of our habits and tendencies, we can change them if needed. As for becoming one of those people with social grace. Well there’s no easy way around it – practice makes perfect! Take an active role in conversations by joining in on topic debates or asking pointed questions; not only will you appear interesting but sociable too. It seems like everyone has something interesting to say these days so learning how to start conversations is all part of being socially competent. As for being accepted by groups, just remember that they already want you in their group so all you have to do is step up. Learn about yourself while making friends with similar interests – here’s hoping your social skills are fully functional in no time at all. Also read: Confusing questions that make no sense.

35. Is there anything money can’t buy?

Answer: According to an old saying, There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Well it seems they’re wrong because there are things that money can’t buy – but it depends on what your definition of buy is. We all want to be happy and successful in life so why not just pay for happiness? Of course if it were so easy, everyone would do it. The fact is, research has shown people are happier when they have things they have earned through hard work. There’s nothing quite like earning something for yourself! However if our basic needs aren’t being met. Then money will most certainly help us buy food and shelter.

Hard questions to answer

36. Why does mind sometimes feel like it’s in a cage?

Answer: Here’s a phenomenon often experienced during meditation or prayer – it happens when our mind wanders. For example, if we’re paying attention to something in particular, like an idea or image, then our mind will usually stay on track. However if we start thinking about something else or feeling distracted… Well, there’s no telling where our mind might go. Next thing we know it, hours have passed and we’ve done nothing at all! But there’s nothing wrong with letting one’s thoughts wander every now and then; it’s how our brains work. People who concentrate too much on one thing sometimes find their minds locking up – which can sometimes even cause mental disorders like schizophrenia or autism. Also read: Questions that make you question life

37. Who are you when you look in the mirror?

Answer: When we look into a mirror, we see reflections of our past – fragments of our lives! Our mind’s eye captures memories and feelings from all over and brings them back to us at any given moment. The only way to escape these unwanted emotions is to create new ones in their place. For example, when we realize life is like a movie and everything around us is an illusion. Well, we can use it as inspiration for something greater! When we accept things as they are, we learn how to not let our emotions get in the way. We shouldn’t let ourselves be controlled by our negative thoughts or surroundings; instead, find ways to express ourselves through creative outlets. This will bring forth positive emotions and thoughts which then change how we view reality. Be sure to focus on whatever feels good whenever you’re looking into a mirror; no need to focus on what doesn’t feel so great anymore. Being happy with yourself is all about seeing yourself as who you really are – no longer just your past experiences – because here’s where all change begins.

38. What is religion for?

Answer: Religion is a way of looking at things, it’s a perspective! Every religion has been created as a way to cope with our mortality. In other words, without religion we wouldn’t be able to accept death as easily as we do today. In truth, many humans have found ways to come to terms with their own mortality without ever going near a church or temple. Instead they’ve chosen non-religious methods of finding meaning in life and death – for example through science and art! To live your life fully – both now and after your final days – try coming up with different perspectives on reality; there’s no need to feel limited by religious beliefs. You can discover a lot about yourself just by making time to reflect on your own. After all, who doesn’t love talking to themselves every once in awhile? It gives us an opportunity to see things from multiple perspectives instead of just one. Being open minded means having as many thoughts as possible.

39. How does sharing food honor friendship?

Answer: Food is more than just sustenance; it provides nourishment for body and soul alike! Many cultures believe food connects people together. And why shouldn’t we When eating with friends and family. No matter what ethnic background. No matter what class. All kinds of people find common ground around their tables. Being thankful towards our mother earth has led many to look at food in a whole new light. It’s not all about how quickly we can get our next meal, instead it’s about being grateful for all our good fortune  As time goes on, new trends are born which have increasingly separated us from one another – but don’t worry! There are still ways to bring humans back together by sharing meals or having dinner parties! For example, bake cookies or brownies for your neighbors so they know how much you care about them. Or invite your coworkers over after work so they can see how much you appreciate them. Sometimes people have so much going on in their lives that they forget to stop every once in awhile and be grateful for all life has given them. Also read: Great Mind shift questions about Aliens, ufos

40. Can history be trusted to repeat itself?

Answer: No! History rarely repeats itself. But if we’ve learned anything from studying history it’s how to predict human behavior. It is very difficult to predict with 100% accuracy what will happen tomorrow. But we can try to predict different scenarios and probabilities – such as, Will there be another World War? Can China overtake America as a superpower? Will North Korea attack South Korea again? With history we learn how certain events lead up to other events; we’re able to see all of humanity’s greatest accomplishments and many mistakes. We should always remember that history’s main lesson is to help us avoid repeating past mistakes.

Intellectual and philosophical questions with answers

41. Does life have meaning if it has no end goal?

Answer: No! Life is about learning and growing and changing and enjoying every step of the way. If we had a clear-cut goal from day one, life would quickly become boring. Just imagine what it would be like if your boss gave you a promotion after only six months on the job! Not only would it feel weird. But imagine how much less you’d get done each day if there was no incentive to work harder. It’s human nature to want to leave our mark on everything we do; whether it’s something big or small, long term or short term. It doesn’t matter because all actions carry meaning with them. Why should humans settle for getting things done half-heartedly? Instead why not give full effort towards achieving meaningful goals. Once achieved these will lead us down other roads so many other people can benefit from our knowledge. This might seem like an intimidating task at first, but as time goes by you’ll grow happier and more fulfilled than ever before! By not settling for anything less than complete fulfillment in all aspects of your life, you’re helping yourself see how incredible human beings truly are! Also read: Questions about god, space and universe.

42. Why does music make us emotional and move us so deeply?

Answer: Our hearts and our minds go hand in hand; each complements and supports each other in ways we can’t even begin to imagine. Sometimes music evokes emotions because it feels so foreign or strange, but often times it’s our own feelings reflected back at us. Sometimes a song triggers strong memories from a past experience. But what about moments when a song brings back a feeling you’ve never experienced before? There are so many unanswered questions which remain hidden to humanity – why can certain songs have such profound effects on us? Why does listening to certain lyrics evoke emotions from long ago? And how do these experiences make us feel connected with others? Music moves people and changes lives for the better and for the worse. It moves towards what needs to be done; moving away from stagnation into something purer. One of the most important lessons we can learn from music is that sometimes our favorite tunes say everything we wish to express ourselves without any need for words! Whether sad or happy, sometimes melodies don’t mean anything logical but carry meaning deeper than what anyone could say. We listen without knowing why. And it becomes life altering! It reveals thoughts lurking beneath layers of fear, doubt, embarrassment & excitement while simultaneously enabling transformation by motivating change.

43.How does Art affect human perception?

Answer: Art shapes human perception by expanding our worldview. We all have different tastes, but many of us share a common love for art which crosses all boundaries. But why? Art affects how we see & interpret things differently. Different kinds of art can change our beliefs or reveal new perspectives so subtle they would have otherwise remained hidden to us forever. Art is an easy way to express yourself without saying a word; it’s extremely powerful and sometimes therapeutic because creating art allows your mind to travel free. Art makes people happy because it gives them something beautiful to reflect on after experiencing some bad news. All it takes is one piece of artwork or song or poem or painting or whatever else anyone fancies themselves with, and suddenly everything feels better.

44. Why do emotions always have a conflict with the mind?

Answer: It’s true, many of us feel torn between what we should be doing and what we want to do… But how often does it happen? Quite often! It’s easy to get caught up in something routine or mundane, but those who can stop themselves from losing sight of the bigger picture have a clear advantage over those who can’t. The conflict begins when emotions drive our behavior without thoughts for consequence. In other words, people can feel emotions so strong they forget to ask themselves Is what I’m doing going to help me achieve my goal? Sometimes people may start working towards a goal & then realize midway through that it wasn’t their best choice. If no thoughts had been there beforehand they might not have realized until far too late.

45. How Karma plays a role in life?

Answer: Karma is a law of nature. It’s very similar to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, also known as action and reaction. Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. Karma describes a moral debt which every living being incurs by performing various deeds. The debt causes a reaping or reward in either an immediate or subsequent lifetime. The law of karma teaches us that our actions cause consequences not only for others but for ourselves as well! In other words, bad things do happen to good people & likewise, good things happen to bad people all because of what they’ve done to themselves & those around them.

46. Who are you a moment ago?

Answer: I was a completely different person! Every morning, every night, every moment passes and we’re never ever in exactly the same place or state of mind or mood. I was angry yesterday but today I’m feeling sad; tomorrow will be an entirely new day with new hopes & opportunities. Do not get stuck thinking about how things used to be because all there is in life is change. A moment ago may seem like forever ago. But it wasn’t; it happened & it will happen again & again until something ends your life. Try not to regret what could have been, instead try to accept things as they are so you can move on with your life! There’s no time for sadness when there’s so much good in store for us tomorrow!

47. How to listen to your intuition?

Answer: Do you ever feel like there’s something deeper inside of you? Something much bigger & wiser than your conscious mind? That’s intuition! Intuition is a combination of instinct & feelings which helps us survive in life. If we weren’t able to trust our gut instincts then we’d never know what was good for us or not. Some people feel it in their stomach, others can hear a voice inside their head… The important thing is not to ignore your intuition. Pay attention when it tells you to do something or stop doing something! You can always ask yourself Can I really trust my instincts in situations like these? Because our minds often fool us into thinking we’re hearing our intuition when instead, we’re just being paranoid about everything. So, how to listen to your intuition? First, be confident in your own decisions; second, recognize genuine thoughts as they happen; third, don’t let anyone discourage you from following what feels right at any given moment. Hope that helps. It’s working amazing for me.

48. How to think?

Answer: Well, sometimes it’s difficult to determine whether or not our thinking is actually helpful. More often than not, we don’t even recognize thinking as a problem! How do you know if you’re having any problems? Well… What’s your emotional state right now? Are you sad, angry, happy? Intuitively, most people can recognize negative emotions when they experience them. If something causes us pain then it must be bad for us, right? Our subconscious mind teaches us quickly what kinds of things are good & bad for us. Eventually, our conscious mind takes over & allows us to decide which thoughts are worth pursuing. So, how do you think better in life? It all depends on what kinds of experiences you’ve had in your life; everyone is different. Some people never get into trouble with their thinking; others battle depression every day of their lives. The important thing is to find peace within yourself by practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation & breathing exercises. Breathing exercises help calm your nervous system by lowering heart rate & respiration while at the same time boosting moods due to increased serotonin production. Just try meditating for ten minutes each day and I promise there will be noticeable changes in your mood within two weeks!

49. Are you living or dying?

Answer: You are alive. You are living, right now. Right here, at your current location. I know it’s not always easy to remember because there are so many distractions but if we lose sight of what’s most important then we end up suffering through life & making poor decisions for ourselves and others around us! We all have lives to live; we’re all going to die someday; we’re here now! Don’t worry about death, worry about life! Worry about how much time you waste watching TV shows or videos on YouTube or Facebook or texting friends. There’s a whole wide world out there waiting for you to explore. Just open your eyes & take a look around.

50. How to achieve enlightenment?

Answer: Enlightenment is a state of complete consciousness and awareness; it’s about knowing yourself and living your life with wisdom, compassion and love. It’s only possible to experience true enlightenment when we know ourselves – where we’ve come from and where we’re going – and if we accept who we are completely. If we can learn to live in accordance with nature by following our heart and soul rather than doing things out of habit or for social pressure then we will naturally become enlightened beings. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.